
Thank you for visiting my online shop where you can book a tattoo appointment and purchase prints!

I am a Dallas based artist who tattoos full-time* and loves to create whatever my heart whimsies during my down time. I have been tattooing professionally for 3.5 years (2019) and have created artwork since as long as i can remember! The prints found here will vary from mediums like watercolor, gouache, micron pen, tattoo ink (eternal), prisma color, and digital! 

To view my tattoo work and artwork progress shots please visit my IG: @sailorose_

The quote “Love what you do and do what you love” -Ray Bradbury.. resonates with me deeply. It truly brings me happiness when i am able to visually represent what people would like to have displayed on their body that means so much to them. The shared experience as well as the opportunity to do what i love is so fulfilling.

The prints found here are made from the love i have for creating art for art’s sake on subjects that interest me the most. They will be uploaded for purchase as quickly as i produce them!

Please feel free to take a look around and purchase a print for yourself or a loved one or to book your next tattoo appointment! Print orders will be shipped out to you within 1-3 business days.

Thank you tremendously in advance! 


*Please send tattoo inquires through the ’Tattoo Booking’ tab

**Prints found here are also available for tattooing!